The Technology Resource You Have Always Searched For But Never Found

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What is technology? How do you define technology? Does it only include computers, applications and the specific functions those items provide? We don’t think so. We are engineers. We engineer simple solutions (for the users) to complex problems. How is that done? It happens with the intersection of people, process and technology.

I had an engineering professor in my first year at college ask the following question and rhetorically answer it immediately: “What’s the difference between a mathematician and an engineer? The mathematician will tell you the answer is five. The engineer will tell you how he got five.”

IT solutions, accounting systems, industry specific applications. They all mean nothing if not designed to the organization’s need; they do nothing if users don’t actually use them, and they have bad data if users are not trained. That makes every product and its implementation an engineering question. We have to ask what result does the business need and implement the system and the use of that system to match those requirements.

Have you ever spent 10 years thinking about a project, but never implemented it because coming up with the approach was too difficult or just too time consuming? Have you ever green-lighted a project that was supposed to be six months but is now two years in the making and still not complete? It is the preparation, planning, approval, implementation and training that make these opportunities for increased value a success.

Here we’ll explore those ideas that make such projects successful. We’ll delve into how to look at your operation with those objectives  in mind and explore IT solutions and their implementation with your people, process and technology in mind. We’d like to hear from you, too. We hope you will share your feedback and tell us what you want to know. If you have questions, contact us at 973-575-8324 or at