A Look at MRI•Go—Streamlining Your Real Estate Asset Management

Thanks to MRI•Go, MRI database searches are easier for real estate owners and operators. This added solution to the MRI platform has enhanced search capabilities that enable the software to act more like an intra-system search engine.

MRI•Go (Version X) provides Google-like search functions within your environment—simply type in search terms and the system will return more targeted results, so users don’t have to drill down into long menu sets. This improved functionality means much greater efficiency for users searching for resident/tenant names, tenant lease information, vendors and more.

An example of this streamlined search is looking up a tenant’s name. In other systems, you typically must go through a menu sorted by resident, tenant information, another screen for the particular property, search by tenant ID or last name … then search for the exact data you were looking for.

MRI•Go bypasses these multiple steps and key strokes. Simply go to the search field in your dashboard, type in the name (tenant, building, supplier, etc.) and every targeted result appears with the exact information you need.

Other features to consider
MRI’s product features an easy-to-use interface with configurable dashboards. It offers flat menu structures, intuitive navigation, data mobility (use on tablets or smartphones), cross-browser functionality, and task-driven search capability. No more fumbling through menu structures looking for a function. MRI•GO searches not just the module you are in, but your entire database. It takes the results and presents logical actions that can be taken, runs reports quickly (check out the “My Reports” section) and is scalable to your organization’s needs.

If you’ve been thinking about enhancing your efficiency with MRI•Go, contact us for a product demonstration; FITECH is a strategic partner within the MRI Software Partner Connect network. If you’ve been considering a system upgrade, this new search functionality gives property owners and management companies a lot of great reasons to make the upgrade now.